The focus of the work of the Styrian University Conference, to which the nine Styrian universities commit themselves in their mission statement, lies in 5 areas:
- Creation of a Styrian higher education area and the generation of a shared awareness of it.
- Development of a common position regarding strategic questions.
- Shared public relations regarding policy, economy and society.
- Shared marketing and generating awareness of students and student matters (to direct the student flow).
- Co-ordination of profile formation and co-operation with a focus on:
Projects all of or the majority of which concern the universities,
“Lighthouse projects” with a high visibility and appeal for the Styrian higher education area,
General projects which remove hurdles and obstacles and serve to promote co-operation.
The Styrian University Conference is chaired by the rector of a university for a period of 6 months on a rotating basis.
01.04.2022 – 30.09.2022: Chair Kunstuni Graz
01.10.2022 – 30.03.2023: Chair Technische Universität Graz